31012015 CrossFit Vallecas

Drop Push up

In team alternative 10 rounds

-15 wall ball
-15 sit up Med ball
-300 m run ball

Tabata; Mountain climbers + sit up

Qualifier Workout 1 | Central European Throwdown 2015

CrossFit Vallecas Sábado 170115

15' amrap-
 1-4' amrap 20' wall ball/10 Burrols, 5-9'. 25' swing/10 sprint, 9-15' 10 walking lunges/10 FS

Central Europe Throwdown 

10012015 CrossFit Vallecas


EMON 6'; 10 WB+ 10 OH SWING
EMON 6';  10 Knee to elbow + 10 Squat


p1 20 dead snaches
p2 chin over the bar hold

p1 20 FS
p2 Hs hold

p1 20 C&J
p2 run

p1 20 swing
p2 knee to elbow

Time cap; 10-15'

CrossFit Vallecas 02012015

Couples Wod Saturday in CrossFit Vallecas

200 Wall balls
200 Reverse lunges kb 16/24
100 Toes to bar
100 Pistol
50 Pull Ups

time cap 30'